Simple Steps to Becoming a Great Pharmacy Technician

You see the news reports every day. You see the numerous infomercials on the exciting and rewarding career as a pharmacy technician. This career choice is in high demand. Yes you may go to your local drug store, fill out an application, and become a pharmacy tech in no time. Wrong!!! That is the easy way and it’s the less rewarding way to become a pharmacy technician. If you want to go from a pharmacy technician with no credibility to a great pharmacy tech where employers are knocking down your door, you need to follow these steps to achieve the much needed success you desire and deserve.We live in an era where litigation cases have doubled. If you want to protect yourself from these money hungry henchmen, you must educate yourself and stay current on every aspect of your career field. Becoming a pharmacy tech has many benefits, but it also comes with a boat load of responsibility. Over the years, I have seen many organizations formed to protect the consumers and patients from the careless behavior of many health care workers. In order to protect you and get the much needed credibility that you deserve, many states are requiring that an exam is passed to work behind the counter of a pharmacy. So starting off, step number one in becoming a great pharmacy technician is passing the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam.Passing the pharmacy technician certification exam places you in an elite group of individuals. You may now practice in states that previously wouldn’t even allow you to apply. This exam goes in depth about many areas of pharmacy. Passing the exam lets employers know that you are competent. There are many areas of pharmacy that you may venture into, but the actual exam covers topics from every area possible. Whether you are going to practice in a retail setting or go for the higher wage and practice in an institutional setting, the exam will cover topics in both areas. If you want to go from good to great, try getting some hands on experience.Passing the certification exam is a start, but I would go a step further and get some type of formal training. Passing an exam gives you the mental knowledge, but getting hands on training puts you in the line of fire. You get to “get your hands dirty” so to speak. I attended a junior college and completed my pharmacy technician training. I received a technical diploma for all my hard work and dedication. Not only did I receive my technical diploma, I got the best hands on training in the form of an externship. There are many training facilities that are forming. When making your decision, only consider schools that are accredited and recognized by the different pharmacy organizations. So you have your certification out the way, you took your formal training at an accredited school for pharmacy, now for the final piece of the puzzle.The final piece of the puzzle is staying up to date on your CE requirements. CE requirements or also known as continuing education credits are credits that Certified Pharmacy Technicians must complete in a timely manner in order to stay in good standing or remain Certified. These CE credits can take the form of online quizzes given by accredited organizations, or it can even be lectures and seminars that are given all across the country. Although these requirements can be completed in a short amount of time, they are normally packed with enormous amounts of information that will be beneficial to the pharmacy tech.So there you have it. Some basic steps to take that can have a huge impact on your career as a pharmacy technician. Don’t be your average pharmacy technician. Go above and beyond on what the everyday pharmacy technician does to get a paycheck. Stand out from the crowd and be different. Take the simple steps to advance your career. Doing this will allow you to reap huge rewards in the near future.

How to Successfully Meet the Three Biggest Marketing Challenges

I like to think I’m a pretty good marketer of my professional services.After all, I’ve been at it for 34 years, read hundreds of marketing books, thousands of articles and studied with the very best marketing gurus.But marketing is still challenging for me and the majority of independent professionals. If it weren’t, we’d all have more clients than we could serve, they’d be paying us high fees, and we’d never having to worry where our next clients would come from.And we wouldn’t need the thousands of marketing coaches and consultants like me offering services of all kinds to help you attract more clients.So, why is marketing so challenging?There are many marketing challenges, however, if you look at marketing closely, there are actually only three big challenges that give us the most trouble.Learn how to meet those challenges and your marketing will become more successful, easier, and fun.Here are those three marketing challenges:Challenge #1. Clearly communicating the value of what you are offering. Someone will not buy your services if they don’t see the real value to them. Your message can’t be vague or confusing; it must be clear and beneficial.One way to zero in on the value of your service is to define the top three attributes your service possesses. One or two is not enough; five or six tends to dilute your message.So, for instance, a sales training company might want to emphasize that their training is guaranteed to increase sales, improve sales confidence quickly, and can be delivered virtually in 45-minute online modules.That’s easy to understand and obviously beneficial. That kind of clear and valuable message is likely to generate attention, interest, and response.Seems simple, but not so easy to do. In my experience with thousands of independent professionals, their messages tend to be vague, not specific, and weak in terms of value.And if that value is not clear, prospects won’t respond.Taking the time to work on your message, fine-tune it, and test it until it gets a favorable response is one of the most important things you can possibly do in your business.To succeed at this task you must get inside the heads of your ideal clients and ask what they want the most, what problems they struggle with frequently, what isn’t working for them, and what could make their jobs easier and more productive.Jaynie L. Smith of Smart Advantage consulting says that 90% of companies don’t really know what their clients value the most. No wonder marketing messages are so bad.You can improve your marketing messages by reading and research (ask Google), sending questionnaires to your clients (Survey Monkey), or conducting a virtual focus group (via Zoom Video). Ultimately, you want to find out their biggest challenges and what they value the most.When you have that marketing intelligence, it will be a lot easier to come up with powerful marketing messages.This is challenging because it takes time and deep thinking. But if you realize its importance, you’ll invest your energies to come up with a powerful message that makes your service attractive, interesting, and compelling to your ideal clients.Challenge # 2. Making your business visible with repeated impressions of your message over time. It can take several impressions before someone responds to your marketing message.Just today, I noticed a message that one of my first level connections had sent to me on LinkedIn. When I checked the message, I noticed that he had sent me a total of 13 messages over a one-year period.The messages were actually very good. They had the right tone and great calls-to-action. It’s just that I don’t pay a lot of attention to my LinkedIn messages and had completely missed the first 12!He understood the value of repeat impressions over time and had developed a system within LinkedIn that had enabled him to send a unique, personalized message every month for a year. Pretty impressive.If he had only sent one or two messages, the chances are good that I wouldn’t have seen them.Again, my experience with the majority of self-employed professionals is that their marketing visibility is, at best, random and inconsistent, and at worst, non-existent.As you may know, I’ve sent out an email newsletter to my list pretty much every week for 21 years. That’s visibility. It’s really quite simple, but not so easy.If you want to be effective at your marketing, you must identify marketing strategies that enable you to get your message in front of your prospective clients consistently.And again, this is challenging. What is the best marketing activity for you, your personality and talents? How can you fit something into your schedule and do it consistently, not for a few weeks but for years?The question is not just what marketing strategies to use. Networking, speaking, blogging, email newsletters, webinars, social media, and direct outreach can all work.The more important question is what strategies will work the best for you and how exactly you can implement those strategies without spinning your wheels.You’re looking for proven, step-by-step instructions so you can evaluate if a strategy is right for you and something you can fit into your schedule on a regular basis. Remember, sporadic implementation is a waste of time.Implementing visibility strategies takes commitment and persistence. Is growing and succeeding in your business important enough for you to make that kind of effort? If it is, you’ll succeed at finding the best strategy for you.The final challenge may be the most important of all to overcome.Challenge #3. Maintaining the right marketing attitude and mindset over time, despite setbacks. If you can’t maintain The 3 R’s of success – responsibility, resourcefulness, and resilience, your marketing will never achieve the results you want.These 3Rs are absolutely essential. Responsibility is the stance that the buck stops with you. You are the only one who will find a way to attract clients and you won’t give up until you find that way. You won’t make excuses or blame circumstances, but instead will be accountable for making results happen.Resourcefulness is the skill to utilize your talents, and abilities to quickly find smart ways to overcome difficulties and find solutions. And to be resourceful, you can’t be full of doubts and fears of failure or rejection. A responsible person commits to finding a way; a resourceful person tries every way possible until they discover the best way.Resilience may be the most powerful trait of all. It’s what enables you to bounce back from adversity, setbacks, and even failures. And if you’re working to attract great clients, you’ll inevitably experience all of those many times. People who are not resilient don’t even try, let alone succeed.All of these essential qualities are in short supply. But if you work to grow those qualities persistently, over time, they will help you succeed with the first two challenging things in marketing – messaging and visibility.Despite these three marketing challenges – messaging, visibility, and mindset – there is good news.Improving your skills or abilities – even a little – in any of these three challenge areas will increase your marketing effectiveness.There is no perfect way of tackling all three challenges and you can’t do it in big leaps that get you there overnight. But you can work on all three slowly, with persistence, making small gains every week.When you improve your messages, you’ll start to see a better response in communicating to your prospects. Marketing then becomes like a game that starts with the question, “How can I communicate my value more clearly and powerfully?”When you increase your visibility, you’ll also notice a better response because to some degree, marketing is a numbers game. Your question might be, “How can I get my message in front of more of the right people this month?”And when you enhance your responsibility, resourcefulness, and resilience, you’ll find that playing the game becomes easier and more fun. The 3Rs are the fuel that enables you to persist with the first two challenges.Where do you start?You start by admitting where you are now and then committing to a purpose (your WHY for being in business in the first place), a goal (a specific thing you want to achieve), and to taking action (the actual steps you’ll implement to get there).Yes, marketing is challenging. But meeting those challenges is absolutely worth it.Cheers, Robert

Get and Stay Younger Looking and Slow the Aging of Your Body – Nutritional Supplements Can Help

Are you aware that many of the diseases the American public gets can be prevented with nutritional supplements? Even the aging process can be slowed by having a good balance of nutritional supplements.You may ask, “Why do I need nutritional supplements?” Most Americans have a hurried life style. This is evidenced by the number of drive through windows at the fast food restaurants. As a result, we do not eat a balanced diet. This is why food supplements are needed. Nutritional supplements do exactly what their name means. They supplement the nutritional value of our diets.Eating a variety of meats, vegetables, and fruits is definitely encouraged. However…what is the nutritional value of our food? The nutritional value has decreased as we have refined and process our foods. Unless you grow your own, you need nutritional supplements to make up the difference.Not having enough of the right vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants affects the ravaging effects of the aging process. Insufficient nutrition contributes to poor cardiovascular health, poor eyesight, and a weakened immune system. Good quality nutritional supplements can help in all these areas.Radiation exposure, cigarette smoke, and exposure to sunlight are some factors. The nutritional supplements must contain the right ratio and quantity to be beneficial. Adding nutritional supplements to a well balanced diet and adding exercise to your routine will greatly influence how our bodies stay healthy. Good quality nutritional supplements can even affect the aging process.We have seen advertisements about free radicals in diets lately. There is good reason for this. If free radicals are not neutralized they will ravage our body at every level. Nutritional supplements with antioxidants are needed to fight against these processes. The aging process in our bodies shows up in heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis to name a few. That is why our nutritional supplements must contain antioxidants.Nutritional and health experts agree that the basis for a good cardiovascular system is a nutrient rich diet, exercise, cholesterol level monitoring, and watching of blood pressure. The nutritional supplements added to your diet will help all of these. Your nutritional supplements should contain a garlic extract. Garlic has been shown to be of greatly effect the cardiovascular system and has helped decrease the instances of cardiovascular disease.Did you know that almost every eye disease that affects our vision CAN be linked to poor nutrition? Blood shot eyes, blurred vision, and nearly every irritation to our eyes can be prevented. The nutritional supplements you choose should contain Vitamins A, B, C, and E. You get these from of dark green leafy vegetables. Examples of these are: Kale, mustard, and collard greens. (I don’t know about you, but I’d rather take nutritional supplements that contain the nutrients than eat those leafy greens.) Orange fruits and vegetables like oranges are carrots are also sources.I’ve named a few diseases nutritional supplements can help and prevent. I think these alone are reason enough for me to add nutritionally supplements to my diet. (I’m still working on the exercise part.) Nutritional supplements that you chose must contain sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Read the label and check the sources of the nutritional supplements you are getting.Also, don’t just take single vitamins or minerals. Just taking one, vitamin, and or an antioxidant and ignoring all the others is not suggested. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in the nutritional supplements work in concert to promote a healthy body.Your health care provider can provide you with a list of those needed in your diet. Make sure your nutritional supplements have those, as well as sufficient quantities of others needed. Armed with all this information you can read the labels of the nutritional supplements you are considering (check several brands). Your health is too important for you NOT to check into these. Get a high quality (Pharmaceutical grade if you can) and you will be well on your way to eating and being healthierFind a game plan, implement it, and STICK to it. I did! You can too.